Thursday, February 18, 2010

i'm bringing awkward back

well. it's happened again. i am going back to the great land o' chiner. i have graduated from college and am now a 'real' person, whatever that means. and, so tomorrow my new journey commences. on the eve prior to my departure i am celebrating america... mashed potatoes, beer and american idol. oh, that ellen is so tricky with her delivery of good news; certainly keeps all of us on the egde of our seats. anyways, tomorrow i board oceanic, uh, i mean, american airlines 289 to shanghai--i know, i am hilarious with my 'mistakes'. after a week of training, i will move to xi'an for at least five months. all of you loyal readers out there might remember xi'an as the city where i fulfilled my 'lost in translation' karaoke fantasy, so, needless to say, i am thrilled to get back to that terracotta-in' city. it's been awhile since i've done this and i don't know what else to say, so, um, yeah, errr, more to come...


Catherine said...

This makes me so happy. So. Happy. Please update a lot, sister!

LIZ BURKE said...

so excited for the return . . .

Bob B. said...

Please send more pictures of the adult playground park again. Thank you.

Jill said...

SO EXCITED. that was so funny how you used "oceanic" instead of "american" airlines. don't break too many hearts over there.

David said...

maeve, why can't i 'follow' your blog. i demand instand updates from the land of general tao.

DNR said...

yo maeve, enjoy. but way to not include me on the email list. thankfully everyone else in vail was on it...

DNR said...

btw, DNR is dan ... those are my initials. aka "do not resuscitate.

Sam Libby said...

sounds great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kate, Jin and Tatu say helllo from Fantasty Island. Locke and Rouseau have been joined by Hegel,Marx, and Plato - the Greek waiter from Greek Town and they have all been transported through a new worm hole 3rd reality sequel to Lost called " Losing It"

Burke said...

Now I'll have to decide whether to check your blog or Ian's first every day. I don't want to make it a competition, but yes I do. Have fun!

Ian D. Merritt said...

do it. bring it back!