Friday, February 1, 2008

this weather.... WTF?!

wow. these past few days have been the most stressful, adverse, but in the end, most rewarding days of my life. i have never seen weather/human behavior like this before...freezing wind and frigid temperatures accompanied by people throwing their children in front of lines in hopes of securing the last hard-seater tickets. mother nature, and her stubborn need to test our patience and will, has sent me all over this country.... sleeping in airports, shoving old women out of the way as a desperate attempt to board trains and standing for fourteen hours in smoke-filled red-eye bus........psych!

yeah, none of that actually happened to me. but seriously though, i've been reading about all the chaos ensuing in china, but haven't been affected by it at alll....whaaaat? i'm confused/incredibly relieved. three days ago a few friends and i casually walked into the beijing airport, boarded a plane on time, received delicious in-flight dumplings and landed in zhuhai.... i was in bed watching my $1 copy of 'american gangster' by 11pm. it wasn't until the next morning that i first heard about the problems the rest of the country had been struck with. was i lucky? spoiled? jipped out of a terrible-at-the-time-but-afterwards-is-a-great-story-that-i-can-casually-recount-at-cocktail-parties kind of experience? i don't know, but i'm sure that most of y'all when reading that first paragraph were secretly thinking "yo, tomorrow, when i go to work/class i can totally be all like 'oh my gosh, can you believe this shit in china? i know somebody there and she told me all about it, like how she witnessed somebody get trampled in the train station. i swear, true story.' score! my co-workers/classmates are gonna EAT this up!" sorry guys, but the most dramatic events of my day were eating a mediocre chicken quesadilla in a food court and watching a white dude sing in a gondola that floated along the second floor canal at the venetian casino in macau. but, if you want to tell the aforementioned story, i will totes go along with it...our little secret.


Anonymous said...

You had me going there Maeve. Maybe that story will come true for someone you know here in Chicago since we're in the middle of getting 6-9 inches of snow. So Kevin, my Mom and of course Scout have decided to drive to Dubuque tomorrow to visit the Seymours. That's almost like going to Macau...

Anonymous said...

In my version of the story- YOU are the white dude singing in the gondola in Macau. I think that will get me much more mileage around the water cooler at work.

Noodle said...

Holy smokes.. the Venetian is absurd huh? Did you find Macau to be depressing at all? I love the Portugeseness of some areas... and the little history that is left... the little museum at the top of the hill is pretty cute... but the cleaning out of history and culture saddened me... though I guess no more than Vegas does... what were your thoughts (though I will probably read about them in subsequent posts).
