Tuesday, February 26, 2008


on today's vocab list:

鸡肋; ji1lei4, something one is reluctant to give up though it is both tasteless and meaningless

this little guy entered my vocabulary a year and a half too late...just imagine all the conversations i could have had by now....

p.s. today i had my first martial arts class... savage.


Ian D. Merritt said...

Tofu = 鸡肋; ji1lei4, something one is reluctant to give up though it is both tasteless and meaningless.

although your sister ordered a steak the other night... and she finished it all by herself... the world has turned on it's head.

Noodle said...

While you're out there... and I should have told you this while you were in Beijing... keep your eye out for these Beijing bands... they're great... though I don't know what kind of music you listen to...

1. New Pants (hilarious!)
2. Hedgehog (awesome!)
3. Joyside (drunks that rock!)
4. P.K. 14 (political chinese youth!)

They mainly play around in the Beijing area... but who knows! The first 3 bands sing primarily in English... the fourth in Mandarin, meaning I understand none of it but maybe you will and you can tell me whether it is better not to understand it.

Unknown said...

Are you ready to take on Jackie Chan?

Hilary is whining as usual - hope Barack kicks her as this Tuesday.

How's the weather out there?

Anonymous said...

Maeve, just in case you didn't know, Mike Noel is the NOODLE... fyi...
and yes, I ordered the cajun f'in ribeye and loved each and every little bit of it.